Friday, October 1, 2010

Some tough, but necessary realizations.

Some people aren't worth the trouble it would take to like, befriend or even tolerate their miserable behavior.

It doesn't matter what the world thinks - I still fucking rule.

I will never be able to find my worth in what anyone else thinks of me.

I don't want to be with the in crowd, because it never, ever lasts.

There's always going to be some asshole that's going to try to bully and belittle someone - but the only reason they do that is they're so unhappy within themselves that they try to put others down to feel better.

I am worth something and those that don't think so can go fuck themselves.


  1. Can I just say "Hell yeah!" Preach it, sister! :)

  2. It's taken me so long to realize these things...and some days, I still forget. That's why I think it's probably best to put them in writing.
