Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A To-Do List

I've grown so lazy when it comes to this creative thing. I don't know what the problem is, but I can think of a thousand other things I'd prefer doing. I'm not one for forcing myself, especially since the end result tends to suffer, but something's got to be done here. This is what I hope to do in the next few days:

1. Read everything written for the story so far. Every chapter, all the character bios, everything. I can't expect to jump back into it if the momentum has died.

2. Work on the new website. I already have one page done (the home page, which many would view as the hard part): http://bcd.sitesled.com/haven-park/testpage3.html for those curious.

3. Examine where I'd like this story to go. Outline the entire third arc, figure out what I want out of this arc specifically, and then map out what I need to do to reach that conclusion.

What do you guys think? Any other suggestions that might get me back in the game? All are welcomed and appreciated.


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