Saturday, September 18, 2010

Change has gotta come

So here we are, right back at the start of another week. Just for once, I would love to come in without drama and bullshit being thrown immediately at me. Just for once, I would love to come in to an uneventful place, doing a mundane little job for eight hours, then going home. Just for once, I'd like a schedule that doesn't fluctuate and sleep patterns that wouldn't likely concern those in the science of them.

I am so over this place. I'm not telling you guys anything you don't already know, but I am so sick of this place. I just don't care about any of it anymore. I don't care who gets mad because I don't wanna hear their drunken hollering over a football game. I don't care who left their blinker on all night long. I don't care that they need milk at the breakfast counter or that they're out of sugar for their coffee. I just don't care. Today, I wanna think about me. I wanna do what I want to do - what I need to do for myself. What I probably should have started doing a long time ago.

Seriously...these rampages you hear about? They're not unprovoked, I promise you. Those people have just been pushed to their breaking points, and there's no other way to express the emotion that builds within. I've felt that way more than I care to admit, but I've so far managed to hold back on just killing people. Instead, I write blog entries. And I blatantly ignore any attempts that asshole over there makes to get my attention. You can say, "Excuse me" all day long. You can even hold up the milk container. I don't care. You're still not getting anything until you march your happy ass over here and ask for it directly.

Really, now. Is that so hard?

I hate this fucking place.

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