Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A To-Do List

I've grown so lazy when it comes to this creative thing. I don't know what the problem is, but I can think of a thousand other things I'd prefer doing. I'm not one for forcing myself, especially since the end result tends to suffer, but something's got to be done here. This is what I hope to do in the next few days:

1. Read everything written for the story so far. Every chapter, all the character bios, everything. I can't expect to jump back into it if the momentum has died.

2. Work on the new website. I already have one page done (the home page, which many would view as the hard part): http://bcd.sitesled.com/haven-park/testpage3.html for those curious.

3. Examine where I'd like this story to go. Outline the entire third arc, figure out what I want out of this arc specifically, and then map out what I need to do to reach that conclusion.

What do you guys think? Any other suggestions that might get me back in the game? All are welcomed and appreciated.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

For Couples: The Do's Do Not Do's of Engagement Rings

A few posts ago, I revealed that I am now an engaged woman. The picture in the post was the prototype ring that we used to base my real ring on, as seen to the right. This ring attracts a lot of attention, and with good reason - the pictures just don't do it justice. It's breathtaking!

With what I've learned through this process, as well as what I've gathered from other women's stories, I thought I would put together a list of the dos and donts of engagement ring buying.

Pick it out yourself, ladies!

This is so very important. God willing, this is a ring you're going to wear every single day for the rest of your life. You have got to make sure it's something you like. And sure, you say that any ring he picks out for you will be beautiful, but have you seen some of the things guys tend to pick out? Really...do it yourself. You'll be happy that you did.

Be afraid to look at diamond alternatives!

I admit, I was raised by a lady who loves huge, flashy jewelry and the love of that has been passed along to me. I used to daydream about the day I would have an engagement ring of my very own, and more often than not, I fantasized about a rock bigger than my fist. Needless to say, that's going to end up being a little on the costly side...which is why when it came time to get mine, I was adamant that it not be a diamond. We went with a lannyte, which you can google for all the juicy details. My center stone is a 3 carat, and the ring is everything I've ever dreamed of, but at a fraction of the cost. Don't worry that others might know your secret - no one's been able to tell that mine is not real, and I can testify to the fact that it's incredibly hard to distinguish. Save that money, guys - you'll need it for the honeymoon!

Express yourself!

Some girls don't like the standard diamond. Princess Diana's engagement ring was a sapphire. Even my beloved Sharon Tate's (purported) engagement ring was an opal. If you want something out of the ordinary, don't be bound by tradition! Also remember that gemstone engagement rings are much less expensive than their diamond counterparts, and they can also be more coy, if you'd like to try and keep your engagement under wraps.

Go with the first thing you find!

Shop around. Go to every jeweler that you can find. Ask them if they do custom work. Let them know what you have in mind, and see how much that would cost. Some will give you better prices than others...it's best to find the price that works for you, without compromising the style that you want. It might be a bit of leg work, but the result will be well worth it.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Change has gotta come

So here we are, right back at the start of another week. Just for once, I would love to come in without drama and bullshit being thrown immediately at me. Just for once, I would love to come in to an uneventful place, doing a mundane little job for eight hours, then going home. Just for once, I'd like a schedule that doesn't fluctuate and sleep patterns that wouldn't likely concern those in the science of them.

I am so over this place. I'm not telling you guys anything you don't already know, but I am so sick of this place. I just don't care about any of it anymore. I don't care who gets mad because I don't wanna hear their drunken hollering over a football game. I don't care who left their blinker on all night long. I don't care that they need milk at the breakfast counter or that they're out of sugar for their coffee. I just don't care. Today, I wanna think about me. I wanna do what I want to do - what I need to do for myself. What I probably should have started doing a long time ago.

Seriously...these rampages you hear about? They're not unprovoked, I promise you. Those people have just been pushed to their breaking points, and there's no other way to express the emotion that builds within. I've felt that way more than I care to admit, but I've so far managed to hold back on just killing people. Instead, I write blog entries. And I blatantly ignore any attempts that asshole over there makes to get my attention. You can say, "Excuse me" all day long. You can even hold up the milk container. I don't care. You're still not getting anything until you march your happy ass over here and ask for it directly.

Really, now. Is that so hard?

I hate this fucking place.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sometimes it's hard to put into words

And amazingly enough, words seem to be my specialty.

This has been the weekend from hell, honestly. Every single thing that could go wrong has. I don't even know if I should say that, because it's not over yet and it could very well get worse. But...I fail to see how it can get any worse than it is now.

I've tried to put the whole thing into perspective but it's kind of hard when it keeps bearing down on you. Couple that with the fact I'm disappointed with a LOT of things that I can't even begin to say, because saying so would probably let everyone know the intricate innerworkings of my mind. Can't have that!

Suffice to say, I'd be totally happy to just crawl back in the womb right now. I don't like this world. I don't like this life. I don't even like myself today.

...and the depression sets in like a wave. I'll spare you the gory details.