Tuesday, May 25, 2010

An introduction of sorts...

I'm Rebecca. I go by Bex. Maybe Bexeth. Even Bexxies if I like ya. But never Becky. I beg of you.

I'm inching ever closer to 30. I work at a hotel. I largely detest my job. I live in Texas. I am a music freak. I do not watch television...except for Family Guy. I have a very short attention span when it comes to reading, but I am an avid writer. I write fiction and songs, and I have a website devoted to my novel, which one might find here.

I wear a lot of makeup, but I have perfected my technique and only take ten minutes on it per day. I wish I lived in the 1960s. I'm obsessed with Sharon Tate and I wish I looked just like her. I have everything you could possibly imagine that has Winnie the Pooh on it, including a tattoo. I dig the color purple (the movie and the actual color). I am a huge fan of Vanilla Coke. I smoke cigarettes, but I don't drink for health reasons.

I have gallstones, but no insurance to take care of them, so I stick to a 10 gram of fat per day diet. I don't eat beef or pork; only chicken and fish. I have a growing appreciation for Tootsie Rolls.

I met someone in the past month that I am completely taken with. He is wonderful and he allows me to be me. I'm not one for counting my chickens before they hatch, but I think this is a relationship that could work out.

I like to think I'm witty. I can be snarky. I can also be very reclusive. I will probably only write in this thing once every six months, but you can be certain that when I do, it will be worth the whole five seconds it takes to read it.

I quote song lyrics like people quote Star Wars. I love coffee. I am a complete camera whore.

I am out of things to say.


  1. Lol that was quite a list full of stuff.

    I had my gallbladder taken out when I was in grade 9. I wasn't fat or anything, nor did I eat junk food. Sometimes it just happens. I had over 100 stones-- they stopped counting.

    I hope this relationship works out for you!

  2. See, I was rather fat when this happened. I was raised on fast food. My mom didn't cook. She was one of those hip working single moms of the 80s, so my diet consisted of McDonalds and Burger King, etc. I was diagnosed in 2008, but I never took it seriously. When I felt okay, I'd continue to eat the way I always had. There would be weeks at a time where I couldn't keep anything down, but once those passed, I'd go right back to my destructive lifestyle.

    Then, in February, I was throwing up blood & I had to go to the hospital. That kind of woke me up. They still didn't take the darn thing out, but I did get the advice to eat a low fat diet & so far, I've lost about 30 pounds. I feel a lot better...I must soon write a blog of my findings with this. The Gallstone Diet may help a lot of people...

    I hope it works out too. I'm totally over the moon with him right now. :)

  3. you should!!!! tell about your gall stone diet! 30 pounds is AMAZING and you look AMAZING too (that picture you posted on FB :) )

    Hope for the very x 100 best for you with your guy :)

  4. Thank you, Shree! <3
